

联邦指导方针要求学校监控学生的学业进展,以提供经济援助. 联邦法规法典(第668条).32[f]) stipulates that a student is required to maintain “satisfactory academic progress in his or her course of study according to the institution’s published standards of satisfactory academic progress” to be eligible to receive federal student assistance benefits.


本保单, 经济援助包括所有由WCC经济援助管理的联邦和州援助 & 退伍军人服务办公室 (助学金、勤工俭学等.). 奖学金获得者必须满足并保持个别项目的具体要求.

金融援助 & 退伍军人服务 evaluates academic progress before awarding aid and at the end of each semester for 所有 students who have submitted a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This evaluation includes qualitative (GPA) and quantitative (PACE and 最大的时间) measures of progress. Students must meet the minimum standards for each measurement to qualify for and remain eligible for financial aid.

Students 是 responsible for staying informed of the College’s 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) standards and monitoring their progress.


学生必须保持 累积绩点2.00或更高 申请经济援助资格. (平均成绩没有四舍五入)

  • 除了以下所列的特殊除外, SAP GPA的计算包含在 所有 WCC的入学期限; 即使是那些学生没有获得经济资助的课程. 这包括重复的课程, 双录取高中学生选修的课程, 课程由赞助商支付, and 年级s that may have been removed from the official WCC GPA due to an approved “Academic Forgiveness.”
  • A级成绩, AG, AH, B, BG, BH, C, CG, D, and F earn the same number of 年级 points for SAP as outlined for the official WCC academic GPA in the general catalog.
  • Grades earned in developmental coursework will be included in SAP calculations and 是 assessed as follows: a 年级 of P (通过) = 4.00-年级点, like an A 年级; a 年级 of R (重复)等于0.00分,相当于F分.
  • WF的 (退出失败) 年级, 表示在正式退出期后退出, 被当作不及格来对待吗, 获得0.00-年级点.
  • OW的等级 (正式退出), W (退出), WP (退出传递), WE (退出紧急), I (不完整), IE (不完整的紧急), NA (不参加), AU (审计),以及SR (高级审计) 在WCC没有分配一个积分值. 因此,它们不包括在SAP GPA计算中.
  • SAP GPA计算中也不包括转学学分(T, TP, TP1, TP2, TP3), 大学先修学分(AP), 考试学分(X).

Students who do not meet this qualitative measure 是 not making satisfactory academic progress and 是 subject to 助学金警告 or Suspension.


学生必须通过 累计尝试学分的67%* 保留经济援助资格. (*适用标准四舍五入规则)

  • 除了下面指出的具体排除外,PACE计算包括在以下期间获得的学分 所有 WCC的入学期限; 即使是那些学生没有获得经济资助的课程. 这包括重复的课程, 双录取高中学生选修的课程, 大学先修学分(AP), 考试学分(X), 还有赞助商支付的课程费用.
  • 如果学生被批准“学术宽恕”,“所有被原谅的小时数将继续包括在PACE计算中.
  • PACE is calculated by dividing the cumulative number of credit hours earned by the cumulative number of credit hours 尝试. The result is carried out to two decimal places with standard rounding rules; students must earn 66.50%或更高才能满足SAP标准. (例子:完成24小时÷尝试33小时= 72.72%的速度)
  • 通过的课程包括学生获得A、AG、AH、B、BG、BH、C、CG、D或P成绩的课程.
  • 所有来自其他机构的学时,WCC授予转移学分(T), TP, TP1, TP2, TP3), 大学先修学分(AP), 和通过考试获得的学分(X)同时计算尝试学时和完成学时.
  • 发展学分的计算方法与课程学分相同, with the P 年级 signifying credit hours completed and the R 年级 indicating credit hours not completed.
  • 退课(W), (WP), 不完整的(我), 课程失败(R), (F), 和(WF)被计算为尝试但不完成的小时数.
  • 课程作业标识为WE (撤销紧急), IE (不完整的紧急), NA (不参加), AU (审计),以及SR (高级审计) is 被排除在外 来自PACE的计算.

Students who do not meet this quantitative measure 是 not making satisfactory academic progress and 是 subject to 助学金警告 or Suspension.


经济援助接受者必须在合理的时间内完成他们的教育计划. 联邦法规将财政援助资格限制在 学生学术课程已发表长度的150%. 最大时间范围以单位表示 尝试 学时和学时是根据每个学生课程的具体目录年来申请的. 当一个学生 累计尝试学时 达到允许的最大值, SAP状态将是最大学分, 该学生将不再有资格获得WCC的联邦或州资助. (例如:对于需要64学分才能获得学位的课程,150%是96小时. {64 x 1.50 = 96} If a student in this program has not completed 所有 requirements for the degree within 96 credit hours, 经济援助资格将被暂停, 学生需要使用其他付款方式完成课程.)

此外,根据联邦法律,在这一点上,它被确定为 数学不可能 学生在150%的时间框架内完成他们的学习计划, 他们没有达到这个要求, and the College is required to suspend financial aid eligibility even if the student is meeting other SAP standards. (例如:学生A在一个最多允许99个小时的课程中. Suppose the student has 尝试 90 credit hours and needs five additional courses equivalent to 16 credit hours to complete the program. 在这种情况下, 将需要的16个小时加上尝试的90个小时等于106个小时, 哪一个比允许的99小时多. 在数学上, 学生A不能在达到150%的最大时限之前完成课程, 在WCC的经济援助资格必须暂停.)

  • 除了以下所列的特殊除外, 最大时间范围计算包括期间尝试的学分 所有 WCC的入学期限; 即使是那些学生没有获得经济资助的课程. 这包括双录取高中学生的课程, 大学先修学分(AP), 考试学分(X), 还有赞助商支付的课程费用.
  • 在其他院校修完的所有学时,WCC会为其颁发转学分(T), 重复的课程, 退课(W), (WP), 不完整的(我), 课程失败(R), (F), (WF)将被计算为尝试小时数,并将应用于最大时间框架计算.
  • 如果学生换专业, 所有 尝试 hours will carry forward and be applied towards the maximum timeframe for the new program.
  • 如果学生被批准“学术宽恕”,"所有被免除的学时将继续被计入未修学分.
  • 学生取得及格成绩的发展/补习课程(最长30小时)被排除在外 从最大时间框架计算.
  • 课程作业标识为WE (撤销紧急), IE (不完整的紧急), NA (不参加), AU (审计),以及SR (高级审计) is 被排除在外 从最大时间框架计算.

Students who have reached the 150% maximum timeframe or who mathematic所有y cannot complete the current program of study within the 150% maximum timeframe will be assigned an SAP status of Max Credits. 所有学生援助的资格将被暂停,除非学生成功上诉.


Upon the first occurrence of a student failing to meet the minimum requirements for GPA or PACE at the time of SAP evaluation, 它们将自动被放置 助学金警告 为下一个入学学期/付款期. 获得经济援助警告的学生可以获得经济援助 一个学期 不提交书面上诉.

  • 经济援助警告为学生提供 一个 在他们努力达到SAP的最低标准的同时,支付期限/学期的经济援助.
  • Students on 助学金警告 remain eligible for 所有 types of financial aid they 是 eligible to receive.
  • 每学期结束时,助学金的学业进展会被重新评估. Students who achieve satisfactory academic progress by the end of their warning period may have their financial aid eligibility restored.
  • Failure to make satisfactory academic progress by the end of the warning period will result in the suspension of financial aid eligibility.


  • 返回WCC的学生 累积绩点将被结转,尝试的学分将根据SAP法规进行评估. 学生学业进度的计算方法如上所述.
  • 转学 Students transferring to WCC from another institution will be considered to be making SAP at the time of enrollment unless the transfer hours cause the student to be unable to complete their program in the maximum timeframe. 所有从其他学校转来的学分, 包括作为双录取高中学生获得的大学学分, 是否算作尝试时间并应用于最大时间范围.
  • 〇换专业 当学生换专业时,新课程的最长学习时间就会生效. All hours 尝试 under previous majors will be carried forward as 尝试 hours for the new program. Students 是 strongly encouraged to meet with a 金融援助 representative to discuss the possible impact of changing their major.
    • A student who earned an associate degree is not eligible for financial aid for a diploma or certificate program.


Financial aid applicants should be aw是 of their right to appeal if they feel that financial aid has been unjustly denied or that unusual circumstances warrant further consideration of their application.

Students who have become ineligible for financial aid due to unsatisfactory academic progress or maximum timeframe can appeal if mitigating circumstances exist. 一般情况下可以考虑的是 不受学生控制的 可能包括, 但不限于, 学生的身体或心理健康问题, 疾病, 受伤, 或者直系亲属死亡, 自然灾害, 军事部署, 等.

  • 对暂停资助提出上诉:
    • Students should submit the 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) Appeal form with the required documents. A detailed explanation of what happened to keep the student from making satisfactory academic progress, 是什么改变了他们才能在未来取得成功, 和一个具体的计划,以取得满意的学业进步, 如果得到批准, 必须包括在上诉中吗.
    • Supporting documentation from an impartial third party is required when reasonable and must coincide with the periods where academic performance suffered.
    • Students should schedule an appointment to meet with their academic advisor to discuss strategies to improve their academic standing or establish a plan that leads to program completion.
    • 随要求的文件提交的申诉将不予审查.
  • 提交上诉并不能保证恢复经济援助资格. 在上诉审查期间,学生负责所有学期费用.
  • 上诉委员会的决定将以书面形式通知学生. 通知可能会以学生的方式发送.Edu电子邮件帐户或通过邮件.

如果您需要帮助了解上述任何政策或程序, 你有责任向财务援助代表要求澄清. 隐私规定禁止我们通过电话透露学生的学习记录细节. 金融援助 representatives 是 available Monday through Thursday from 7:45 to 5:30 pm and Friday from 8:00 a.m. 直到下午1点. 我们每周二晚上也有时间,直到下午6点. (夏季时数可能有所不同)
